Tuesday, April 30, 2013

For Katharine.........

Hope you are all having a wonderful week~


True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes


  1. Those roses are gorgeous--and such a sweet sentiment!

  2. So sweet of you to share this pretty image and lovely thought!
    Happy Spring blooms to you, Cheryl!

  3. I love all of your beautiful linens! They look so pretty with the flowers, too.


  4. This is a wonderful way to wish good luck upon someone. I think that you must be an awesome friend to think of your friend.

    from Anna David @PhD On line

  5. I totally agree! I have a few childhood friends and we may go years without seeing each other but we always seem to pick up where we left off. Gorgeous photo!

  6. Well, now...How perfect it is that I respond to your kind visit on "this" post! We haven't conversed for awhile! You are still on my "blogside" table, should you happen to pop in!
    The best of Labor Day wishes to you and your sweet family, Cheryl!

  7. Hi. I was stopping by in hopes of getting some help on a Martha Stewart Contest....I've been nominated and I was trying to get Votes...if you have time I would love to see you come by my blog, vote and also enter in a giveaway for your support!! Your able to vote 6 times in a row daily until Sept. 13th!! I would appreciate it so very much!! Thanks so much!

  8. Such pretty flowers and sweet sentiment. You need to post more:) your blog wonderful!

  9. Couldn't agree with you more!

    How are you by the way? I hope you're ok! I know you and your family are going through so much right now, just know that I am an email (or a Facebook email) away! :)

    Many hugs & prayers from here!


  10. Hello Cheryl,
    I saw your blog on Dreams on 34th Street. Your blog is lovely, and it is filled with simplicity and beauty - two things which I appreciate. These roses are so pretty. I love roses, especially pink and red ones. Me and my daughters also have a blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. It's so nice to meet new friends, especially from California. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Beautiful, just what I needed to day.

  12. Get blogging I so miss all you inspire here...
    The holidays need you.


  13. Your blog is so amazing. The photos are beautiful and I love your articles so much.
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Thanks for visiting me today. I love getting your comments.
May you have a happy day:) Cheryl